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Click on this link for our complete BANKRUPTCY FORM

My Grandfather, Philip T. Lynch, went to work for the Greenfield Tap and Die Company in Greenfield, Massachusetts and he worked there for 48 years until he retired at age 62. As far as I know, my grandfather only had one job in his entire working career. Phillip Lynch raised four children, he lived in a nice home, he had no credit card debts and when he and my Grandmother past away they had money in the Bank.

The reason I am sharing my family story with you is because your Grandparents were probably just like mine. However, the financial pressures we are facing today are totally different than what our Granparents faced. Yes, we have all heard those stories of the Great Depression, but for the most part our parents and grandparents experienced many years of prosperity and stable employment.

We are now in a New Economy and Stability does not seem to exist anymore and many people are finding themselves out of work every 2-5 years. Frequently, my Bankruptcy clients have jobs, but the jobs they now have are paying half or one third of what their prior jobs paid.

Because of the growth in our business law this firm is no longer handling as many Bankruptcies as we once did. However, because we recognize the importance of the Bankruptcy option and the need by many Americans to obtain a fresh start in life this firm will take cases if the work schedule will permit another case.

Over the years we have found that the most difficult aspect of a Bankruptcy Case is getting our clients to gather all the documents we need to file your case. The Vermont and New Hampshire Credit Counseling links below will help you get started with complying with the Bankruptcy Rules and the Bankruptcy Form Link at the top of this web page and at the bottom of the web page is a form designed by Nathan R. Lynch, Esquire to assist our clients in gathering documents and providing us the information we need to complete your case. The form is very long and it is time consuming to complete, but once we have all the information listed on the Bankruptcy Form we will be able to efficiently complete your case. Because of your efforts in completing our Bankruptcy Form we are able to keep our Bankruptcy prices down as low as possible.

Click on this link for a Vermont Approved Course:


Click on this link for a New Hampshire Approved Course:


Bankruptcy Law is Federal Law and is authorized by article I of the United States Constitution. There are two general forms of relief in Bankruptcy. 1. Liquidations and 2. Reorganization. The firm offers a free initial consultation to discuss your financial situation. In many cases the firm can help restructure your finances and avoid a Bankruptcy. In other cases, Bankruptcy is an effective legal procedure that will relieve financial pressure and allow you to have a fresh start.

This firm can assist you with:

  • Chapter 7 Bankruptcy (Liquidation)
  • Chapter 13 Bankruptcy (Reorganization)
  • Chapter 11 Bankruptcy (Reorganization)

If you decide a Bankruptcy is right for you please click on the link below and print out our Bankruptcy Form. The form must be completed in full and we must be able to read your writting.

Click on this link for our complete Bankruptcy Form
